Libro electrónico

Guide to right-sized packaging for industrial manufacturers

Automated packaging solutions can streamline your packaging process by producing the right-sized box for each product on demand. This can make the packaging process faster, more ergonomic, cost-efficient, and less wasteful.
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Cómo el empaque bajo demanda del tamaño adecuado ayuda a los fabricantes

Para los fabricantes industriales, empacar productos para el transporte puede ser complicado y, a menudo, una gran molestia. Esto es especialmente cierto cuando trabajas con una variedad de productos de diferentes formas y tamaños, y tratas de combinarlos con las cajas de stock, al tiempo que les proporcionas la protección que necesitan para ir del punto A al punto B. Cada uno de estos factores tiene un impacto en el almacén, el proceso de empaque, las utilidades y el planeta.

En esta guía, detallaremos una serie de desafíos que enfrentan los fabricantes y cómo una solución On Demand Packaging® puede ayudar a abordar esos desafíos.

Key topics include:

  • Ineficiencias en la cadena de suministro
  • Rendimiento
  • Desperdicio de material y daños al producto
  • Optimización de la mano de obra
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Una foto de un empleado de Shop Goodwill operando una máquina automatizada para fabricar cajas Packsize.
Packsize fue la solución adecuada para nosotros porque nos permitía crear una caja personalizada para cada uno de los artículos que enviamos, desde un G.I. Joe hasta una máquina de café expreso y mucho más.
Ted Mollenkramer
Gerente sénior de operaciones comerciales de comercio electrónico
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Una imagen estilizada de un sensor VEGA Grieshaber.
Packsize revoluciona el empaque de nuestros sensores. Con las innovadoras líneas de empaque, podemos optimizar el espacio y mejorar nuestra creciente producción futura: la solución ahorra espacio y trabajo manual.
Ann-Christin Dietmeier
Jefe de Logística
VEGA Grieshaber
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A photo of right-sized packages produced on a Packsize solution, on a conveyor in a warehouse
From the beginning, when we first met the Packsize team, we were very impressed with the overall mission and purpose of the team. We saw how those core values really materialize themselves from the top, all the way through the organization. As we started to look through the solutions [Packsize] offers, they were a perfect fit for what we were looking for, and then as we've continued the journey of starting, not just this project, but multiple projects, it's been a great experience working with the team end-to-end.
Shaun Bunch
Chief Supply Chain and Retail Officer
Northern Tool
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A photo of right-sized packages produced on a Packsize solution, on a conveyor in a warehouse
From the beginning, when we first met the Packsize team, we were very impressed with the overall mission and purpose of the team. We saw how those core values really materialize themselves from the top, all the way through the organization. As we started to look through the solutions [Packsize] offers, they were a perfect fit for what we were looking for, and then as we've continued the journey of starting, not just this project, but multiple projects, it's been a great experience working with the team end-to-end.
Shaun Bunch
Chief Supply Chain and Retail Officer
Northern Tool
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A photo of right-sized packages produced on a Packsize solution, on a conveyor in a warehouse
From the beginning, when we first met the Packsize team, we were very impressed with the overall mission and purpose of the team. We saw how those core values really materialize themselves from the top, all the way through the organization. As we started to look through the solutions [Packsize] offers, they were a perfect fit for what we were looking for, and then as we've continued the journey of starting, not just this project, but multiple projects, it's been a great experience working with the team end-to-end.
Shaun Bunch
Chief Supply Chain and Retail Officer
Northern Tool
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A photo of right-sized packages produced on a Packsize solution, on a conveyor in a warehouse
From the beginning, when we first met the Packsize team, we were very impressed with the overall mission and purpose of the team. We saw how those core values really materialize themselves from the top, all the way through the organization. As we started to look through the solutions [Packsize] offers, they were a perfect fit for what we were looking for, and then as we've continued the journey of starting, not just this project, but multiple projects, it's been a great experience working with the team end-to-end.
Shaun Bunch
Chief Supply Chain and Retail Officer
Northern Tool
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Foto de Chris Groseclose, director de Cumplimiento de Crutchfield
Hay otras personas que intentan hacer esto y no pueden. Nunca hemos tenido un día en que no hayamos recibido todos los envíos. Literalmente, [Packsize] nunca nos ha defraudado... esperamos seguir contando con Packsize como uno de nuestros principales socios comerciales durante muchos años más.
Chris Groseclose
Director de Cumplimiento
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A photo of right-sized packages produced on a Packsize solution, on a conveyor in a warehouse
From the beginning, when we first met the Packsize team, we were very impressed with the overall mission and purpose of the team. We saw how those core values really materialize themselves from the top, all the way through the organization. As we started to look through the solutions [Packsize] offers, they were a perfect fit for what we were looking for, and then as we've continued the journey of starting, not just this project, but multiple projects, it's been a great experience working with the team end-to-end.
Shaun Bunch
Chief Supply Chain and Retail Officer
Northern Tool
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Mejora tu proceso de empaque con las soluciones de empaque para comercio electrónico de Packsize

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